The WAVE FELLOWSHIP meets every Saturday at 9am (Singapore Time) via ZOOM. We have attendees from 14 nations, Malaysia, China, Hong Kong, Philippines, Myanmar, Cambodia, Singapore, Mongolia, Thailand, Holland, (Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, and the USA) joining us in our weekly online services.
We also conduct regular Bible Studies on Wednesday nights. Our messages and teachings are spiritual and yet practical. Many find it inspiring and helpful in their daily walk with Christ. For the latest series and information, do visit our Facebook page at: Testimonies: "The whole series was so well presented that it really helps me in understanding the whole book better than after reading it twice before. The relevant facts and pictures shown was like taking us back to ancient times.“ - Cecilia Ng "I have listened to many talks, watched many videos, and read many references in the book of Revelation and about the end time, but never with the psychological input and the historical background explained the way you presented. It helped me understand better.” - Jenny Liaw “Before this Revelation study, I was always in fear of the code 666, the beasts, false prophets and all that was written in the book. This series helped clarify my thoughts about Jesus’ 2nd coming, and the position we need to adopt while waiting.” - Grace Chan |